This guy followed this NEW kind of diet and lost 50 kilos
Age: 25
Highest weight recorded: 121 Kilos
Weight lost : 50kilos
Duration it took me to lose weight: 15 months
The turning point: I suffered from high blood pressure. I also faced breathing problems and all these health conditions didn’t let me focus on my studies. I used to stay lethargic almost all the time.
My breakfast: I have been on intermittent fasting for over one year. I skip breakfast each day and eat two meals, the first around 1 pm and the second around 8 pm. Then, I fast for 16 hours until I start eating again the next day at 1 pm.
To boost my metabolism, I drink lukewarm water with lemon in the morning.
Lunch: I eat two chappatis with mix dal, boiled chicken or fish with a lot of veggies.
My dinner: I have two chappatis with 4 egg whites and two whole eggs omelette with salad.
I indulge in (What you eat on your cheat days): Different type of stuffed parathas such as paneer, radish and cauliflower.
My workout : I train for a minimum of one-hour per day for 6 days a week. I try to incorporate high-intensity interval training in every workout, for
example, for cardio. I sprint for 1 minute at the maximum speed possible followed by 30 seconds of slow speed. In between my weight training session, I also try to have an active rest session between different sets.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Egg white omelette with a lot of veggies.
Fitness secrets I unveiled: Crash diet plans help you to lose weight fast, 2-3 kgs in a week. But that is usually water mass that can be easily regained, once you are back to normal lifestyle. Thus, it becomes demotivating if you want some serious permanent weight loss. So, try to indulge in a healthy diet plan that you can stick to throughout your life.
How do I stay motivated? By watching myself in the mirror, with clothes fitting much better than earlier. Also, with an increased strength and stamina in the gym is what keeps me motivated!
How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? Inculcating exercise as a daily regimen in my schedule, just like brushing. By monitoring that only the best stuff gets into my body and by trying different exercises helps me to know how my body responds to it.
What’s the most difficult part of being overweight?
As a teenager, there were a lot of difficulties that I faced, such as
- feeling lethargic and being unable to enjoy with friends as I used to easily get tired
- a lot of problems while travelling through public transport
- lack of self-esteem
- being unable to fit into my favourite and fashionable clothes
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I see myself as a much fitter person who can run a complete marathon on any given day!
What are the lifestyle changes you made? I have boycotted all the junk, fried, packaged food and food items containing processed sugar. I avoid eating outside and exercise using different apps while travelling when I can't hit the gym.
What was the lowest point for you? During my weight loss journey, I was stuck at 85 kgs for long. I tried many things but was able to break that plateau by following Keto Diet.
Lessons learned from weight loss: Everyone has a unique body type in which we reside and it is our duty to treat it well to be the best version of ourselves. We should come out of our comfort zones. Moreover, I believe if I can do it, anybody can!
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